Anja Wolpers hat den Science Slam auf dem Forschungscamp 2024 gewonnen

Paper accepted by the journal "Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International"

Pia Wilsdorf successfully defended her PhD thesis

Best Paper Award at the 22nd International Conference on Computational Methods in System Biology (CMSB 2024)

Till Köster successfully defended his PhD thesis

MoSi group welcomes new staff member

Best Master Thesis award for the 2022/2023 term goes to Justin Kreikemeyer

Mosi @ ACM SIGSIM PADS 2024: Two Papers and Test of Time Award

Paper accepted by the ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS)

Paper accepted by the journal "Royal Society Open Science"

Paper published at the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation

Paper published at IEEE Access

Kevin Haase successfully defended his PhD thesis

MoSI @ ECEM'23

Best Paper Award at ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (PADS 2023)

Beste Bachelorarbeit 2022 verliehen an Frau Anja Wolpers

MoSi group welcomes new staff member

Paper accepted in "Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture"

MoSi group welcomes new staff member

Paper accepted in "Simulation"

MoSI @ WSC'22

Maria E. Pierce successfully completed her PhD

Best Paper Award at IEEE/ACM DS-RT 2022 conference

Paper accepted by Applied Sciences

TOMACS Publication accepted

ACM SIGSIM PADS Ph.D. Colloquium Award 2022 received

Neue Teamassistenz

The DFG project "Simulation-based Optimization using Differentiable Agents (SODA)" by Dr. Philipp Andelfinger has been granted.

Project book published: Towards Model-Based Demography

Paper accepted in Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology

Best Paper Award at IEEE/ACM DS-RT conference

TOMACS Publication accepted

The paper "A Language for Agent-Based Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation of Linked Lives" has been accepted in the journal ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS).

The paper "Relating simulation studies by provenance—Developing a family of Wnt signaling models" has been accepted in PLOS Computational Biology.

Möglichkeit zur Industriepromotion in Kooperation mit Huawei

The DFG project "towards GeneRating and Executing Automatically Simulation Experiments - GrEASE" has been granted.

Adelinde M. Uhrmacher has been announced Fellow of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International Computer Simulation SCS

The project proposal "A01: Analyzing the impact of electric fields on intra- and intercellular processes based on multi-compartmental models" as part of the CRC "Electrical active implants ELAINE" has been granted

Humboldt-Forschungspreisträger Professor Kevin Burrage aus Australien beginnt Forschung an der Universität Rostock

Tom Warnke successfully completed his PhD

Prof. Kevin Burrage (Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australien) has been awarded the Humboldt Research Award

We congratulate our new group member Dr. Philipp Andelfinger.

The paper "Quantifying the Roles of Space and Stochasticity in Computer Simulations for Cell Biology and Cellular Biochemistry" has been accepted in the journal Molecular Biology of the Cell.

Crash course on terminal usage

MoSi group welcomes new staff member

MoSi group welcomes new staff member

Adelinde M. Uhrmacher received the 2020 SCS distinguished service award

The paper "Exploring mechanistic and temporal regulation of LRP6 endocytosis in canonical WNT signalling" has been published in the Journal of Cell Science.

The paper "ROS Dependent Wnt/β-Catenin Pathway and Its Regulation on Defined Micro-Pillars—A Combined In Vitro and In Silico Study" has been published in MDPI Cells.

The project proposal "IDEA-PRIO-U - Explainability, Modelling, and Analysis of Methods for Prioritizing Genetic Variants Based on Heterogeneous Data" has been granted

4 papers of the MoSi Group have been accepted at the Winter Simulation Conference.

MoSi Hattrick at ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (PADS)

Justin Kreikemeyer visited the group of Jane Hillston at the University of Edinburgh

MoSI @ WSC19

The article "Potential based, spatial simulation of dynamically nested particles" has been published

MoSis participate in the 3rd XTrack Cross Challenge

Dagstuhl Seminar "Computer Science Methods for Effective and Sustainable Simulation Studies"

Research visit in Baltimore

BAPS Team Meeting and Evening Lecture

Rostock Retreat on Simulation at MPIDR

MoSi @ PADS19

New institute of Visual & Analytic Computing (VAC) has been founded.

RISE intern from Canada

The project proposal Modeling and simulation methods for linked lives in demography (MoSiLLDe) has been granted by the DFG, which allows MoSiLLDe to continue for further 3 years.

The project proposal Efficient Simulation of Cell-Biological Multi-Level Models (ESCeMMo) has been granted by the DFG, which allows ESCeMMo to continue for further 3 years.


MoSis participate in the "long night of science"

Bernard Zeigler visited the modeling and simulation research group

The article "Artifact-based Workflows for Supporting Simulations Studies" has been accepted

ACM SIGSIM Distinguished Contributions Award received

MoSi @ WinterSim '18

Workshop "Uncertainty and Complexity of Migration" at the British Academy (22.11.2018)

Workshop participation and invited talk at Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi

Poster Presentation at CMSB 2018

Research visit in Southampton

Alexander Steiniger successfully completed his PhD

MoSi @ PADS'18

MoSi group welcomes new staff member

Long Night of Sciences 2018

MoSi @ WinterSim '17

Students' elevator seminar

The article "Reproducible and flexible simulation experiments with ML-Rules and SESSL" has been accepted

MoSis participate in the XTrack Cross Challenge

The article "Modelling and simulating decision processes of linked lives: An approach based on concurrent processes and stochastic race" has been published

MoSi group welcomes new staff member

The paper "Reusing simulation experiment specifications in developing models by successive composition — a case study of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway" has been selected as SIMULATION’s Editor’s Choice paper

Tobias Helms successfully completed his PhD

Local newspapers report on Pia Wilsdorf's semester in Edinburgh

The paper "Developing and validating a multi-level ecological model of eastern Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) in the Bornholm Basin - a case for domain-specific languages" has been accepted

Kick-Off-Meeting of the project "Bayesian Agent-Based Population Studies (BAPS): Transforming Simulation Models of Human Migration"

The DFG research project "Domain-specific languages for developing multi-scale, spatio-temporal biochemical models and their application" has been granted.

ACM SIGSIM PADS Ph.D. Colloquium Award 2017 received

The paper "Semantics and Efficient Simulation Algorithms of an Expressive Multilevel Modeling Language" has been accepted

The paper "Modelling and Simulating Decision Processes of Linked Lives - An Approach Based on Concurrent Processes and Stochastic Race" has been accepted

MoSi group welcomes new staff members

The paper "Reusing simulation experiment specifications in developing models by successive composition — a case study of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway" has been accepted

Danhua Peng successfully completed her PhD

Arne Bittig successfully completed his PhD

Articel in Norddeutsche Neuste Nachrichten (NNN)

ACM SIGSIM Best Ph.D. Student Paper Award 2016 received

Master Thesis defense of Andreas Ruscheinski

The paper "Semantics and Efficient Simulation Algorithms of an Expressive Multi-Level Modeling Language" has been accepted

The DFG research project "Towards Generating and Executing Automatically Simulation Experiments" (GrEASE) has been granted

Stefan Rybacki successfully completed his PhD

The paper "Reusing simulation experiment specifications to support developing models by successive extension" has been accepted

Visit by Prof Mirco Tribastone

Visit by Prof William Hlavacek

Fiete Haack successfully completed his PhD

Visit by Prof Kevin Burrage