Instruct growth and form: from pre-neural mechanisms to electroceuticals for regenerative medicine

Prof. Dr. Michael Levin, Tufts University

Embryos and regenerating systems produce very complex, robust anatomical structures and stop growth and remodeling when those structures are complete.  One of the most remarkable things about morphogenesis is that it is not simply a feed-forward emergent process, but one that has massive plasticity: even when disrupted by manipulations such as damage or changing the sizes of cells, the system often manages to achieve its morphogenetic goal. How do cell collectives know what to build and when to stop? In this talk, I will highlight some important knowledge gaps about this process of anatomical homeostasis that remain despite progress in molecular genetics. I will then offer a perspective on morphogenesis as an example of a goal-directed collective intelligence that solves problems in morphospace and physiological space. We have been pursuing the hypothesis that an ancient, pre-neural bioelectric communication system among somatic cells enables them to cooperate toward anatomical outcomes.  I will show examples of our work to read and write the bioelectric information that instructs growth and form. I will show how new biophysical and computational tools are enabling increased control over large-scale morphogenesis in the context of birth defects, regeneration, and cancer.  Ion channel drugs thus form a class of "electroceuticals" for new applications in regenerative medicine. 

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