The project proposal "A01: Analyzing the impact of electric fields on intra- and intercellular processes based on multi-compartmental models" as part of the CRC "Electrical active implants ELAINE" has been granted

The goal of the project is to study the impact of external electric fields on membrane-related dynamics, intracellular signalling pathways and cell-cell interaction. Thereby, the development and therapeutical application of electrically active implants shall be supported. To understand the underlying cellular mechanisms, computational models that operate at different spatial and temporal scales will be essential as will be relating these models and the respective processes of their generation.

In close cooperation with our experimental partners of ELAINE we will build new models and extends existing ones and increasingly integrate mechanisms of cell-cell interaction, cellular functions, and cell populations. With the spatio-temporal resolution from the cellular membrane to cell populations, also the requirements for simulation methods do change.

Declarative, domain-specific languages and approaches play an important role, not only to express models but also to relate different models and the model generating processes, including model calibration and validation, in a succinct manner. Research shall be continued to further the means for collecting and exploiting the provenance of simulation models, to make central activities and entities of simulation studies, such as inputs, data, simulation experiments, and model versions within and across simulation studies, accessible and to relate those to each other. This will contribute to the consistency and traceability of studies and will facilitate the conduction of new studies.

We are very much looking forward to continuing our research in the ELAINE team.

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