MoSi Hattrick at ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (PADS)

This year three papers with authors from the modeling and simulation group will be presented at the ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (PADS) 2020. The paper "Partial evaluation via code generation for static stochastic reaction network models" by Till Köster and Adelinde M. Uhrmacher improves significantly upon the performance of existing simulators by generating tailored simulators for specific simulation models defined in a domain-specific language. Together with Philippe Giabbanelli, Jared A. Kohrt and Joshua A. Devita (Miami University), Till Köster looked into "Optimizating Discrete Simulations of the Spread of HIV-1 to Handle Billions of Cells on a Workstation".   "Probing the Performance of the Edinburgh Bike Sharing System using SSTL" by Justin Kreikemeyer, Jane Hillston, and Adelinde M. Uhrmacher, is one result of the research of Jane Hillston's group to which, due to an internship of Justin Kreikemeyer at the University of Edinburgh, the modeling and simulation group could contribute.

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