Dagstuhl Seminar "Computer Science Methods for Effective and Sustainable Simulation Studies"

The proposal to organize a Dagstuhl seminar  on Computer Science Methods for Effective and Sustainable Simulation Studies  has been successful. Together with Wentong Cai ( Nanyang TU – Singapore, SG ), Christopher Carothers ( Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – Troy, US ) and David M. Nicol ( University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign, US ),  Adelinde M. Uhrmacher ( Universität Rostock, DE ) will be organizing a Dagstuhl seminar to address central methodological challenges in supporting the conduction of effective and sustainable simulation studies. The seminar will bring participants with diverse computer science backgrounds together to enhance the methodological basis for conducting simulation studies. More details can be found her.

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