Since July 2019
Harry V. Strehlow
Prof. Dr. Adelinde M. Uhrmacher
M.Sc. Kevin Haase • M.Sc. Oliver Reinhardt
Dr. Simon Weltersbach • Dr. Wolf-Christian Lewin
Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries
Dr. Christopher Zimmermann
Dr. Uwe Krumme
The project aims to improve the understanding of angler behaviour. Based on the project "Recreational fishing in Germany" (survey on the motivations and attitudes of anglers) an agent-based model will be developed, which includes individual decision-making processes and allows to model the behaviour of individual anglers. The model will allow us to test management decisions in advance, assessing potential angler responses to different fisheries regulations. This enables us to take the interests of anglers into account in future fisheries management and to promote sustainable recreational fishing.