Prof.Dr. A.M. Uhrmacher - Editorial activities, e.g.

Editor in Chief: ACM: Transactions of Modeling and Computer Simulation - TOMACS (2013-2019)
SIMULATION - Transactions of the SCS (2000-2006)
Associate Editor: BMC Systems Biology (seit 2008)
Transactions on Computational Systems Biology, LNCS (since 2004)
Transactions of the SCS (1997-2000)
Area Editor: Modeling Methods, Tools, and Applications, ACM: Transactions of Modeling and Computer Simulation - TOMACS (2009-2013)
Computer Technologies and Information Systems of the IIE Transactions of Operations Engineering (2001-2003)
Program Chair: Winter Simulation Conference WSC (Berlin 2012)
Computational Methods in Systems Biology Conference CMSB (Rostock 2008)
Simulation Methodology as part of the European Simulation Multiconference (Warsaw 1999)
Conference of Web-Based Modeling and Simulation as part of the SCS Western Multiconference (San Francisco 1999)
Co-organisation of Dagstuhl seminars: Multiscale Spatial Computational Systems Biology (2014)
Formal Methods in Molecular Biology (2011)
Simulation and Verification of Dynamic Systems (2006)
Grand Challenges for Modelling and Simulation (2002)
Agent Oriented Approaches in Distributed Modeling and Simulation: Challenges and Methodologies (1999)
Organisation of conference tracks: Modeling Track as part of the Winter Simulation Conference (New Orleans 2003, Austin 2009)
Computational Methods in Systems Viology Tracks as part Of the Winter Simulation Conference (Monterey 2006)
Member of Steering Committees: Computational Methods in Systems Biology Conference (since 2006)
ACM SigSIM - Principles of Advanced and Dicrete Event Simulation Conference (since 2015)
Member of the IPCs of workshops and conferences, e.g.: Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS) (IEEE/ACM) (2003-2011)
ACM SigSIM Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (SigSIM-PADS) (since 2012)
Distributed Real Time Simulation (IEEE/ACM) (since 2004)
Computational Methods in Systems Biology (since 2003)
Awards: 2018 ACM SigSIM Distinguished Contributions Award
2004 SCS (Society of Modeling and Simulation International) International Service Award, 2 Best paper awards
Member: ACM SigSIM Distinguished Contributions Awards Committee (2013-2015)
Member of the Winter Simulation Board of Directors (since 2010)
Reviewer for the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Germany
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) - Germany
European Union (FP6, FP7, Horizon 2020)
Wirtschaftsagentur Wien - Austria
Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) - Ireland
National Research Council (CNR)- Italy
National Science Foundation (NSF) - USA
The Economic and Social Council (ESRC) - UK